Building a More Sustainable Future

Building sustainable homes is becoming increasingly important as we face the impact of climate change. Sustainability not only benefits the environment but also the people who live in these homes. It's about creating homes that are good for our planet and promote the well-being of its occupants. Principles of initiatives such as Passive House and Built Green certifications are the foundation of homes that are designed and built for a more sustainable future.


Passive House is a building concept that emphasizes creating an air-tight home with heat recovery ventilation, high-performance windows, and a massive amount of insulation. When done correctly, this approach can reduce energy consumption by up to 50%, which translates to significant savings on energy bills. The Built Green certification program takes a holistic approach to sustainability, focusing not only on energy savings but also on water conservation, material selection, fresh air, renewable energy, and comfort. In addition to these building techniques, a smart home management system can also help homeowners keep tabs on their home's energy efficiency and ensure that everything is working correctly and efficiently.


For those who are not in the market for a new sustainable home, there are still many practices and systems that can be implemented to live a healthier, more sustainable life. Following the Passive House philosophy, making your home as airtight as possible by replacing old leaky windows with double or triple-pane windows, adding more insulation, and swapping out high-water-use plumbing fixtures with WaterSense fixtures and toilets can contribute to a home's sustainability and save money.


Other green living features that cut costs and improve health include a Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV), which constantly pulls stale air out and brings fresh air in, and Air Purification Systems, which are especially important in our battle against fires, smoke, COVID-19, and allergies. Tesla Power Walls and Solar Panels can also be used to charge the battery in your garage and generate power for your home. Using low VOC paint and non-toxic building materials can also contribute to a healthier indoor environment.


Building sustainable homes is not only good for the environment but also for the people who live in them. The principles of Passive House and Built Green certification, coupled with smart home management systems and green living features, can significantly reduce energy consumption and create healthier living spaces. As we face the impact of climate change, sustainability needs to be on everyone's mind, and we must strive to create homes that are sustainable for our best-lived life today and in the future.