Ways to Help Your Home Value Grow: Eco-Friendly Living Edition

You’ve invested in yourself and found your dream home! While you know the market may shift, your goal is to keep your investment as valuable as possible, so investing in your house is what you’re after. Consider making eco-friendly swaps to reduce your power bill and increase the appeal of your home when you do go to sell, all while being a good steward of the planet. 

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Invest in Solar Panels

While Washington may not see much of the sun, leading experts in green energy have noted that solar panels are still worth the investment. Having declined in price over recent years, solar panels cost an average of $10,000 - $12,000 to install and take an average of six years to pay off. On average, experts estimate that solar panels save homeowners an average of $50,000 over 25 years, in addition to reducing your impact on the earth, so if you’re planning to stay awhile, and want to ensure that your house offers a unique benefit when you do turn around to sell it, solar panels offer a fantastic opportunity to invest in your home. 

Opt for Energy Star Appliances and Smart Tech 

Not only can older appliances be an eyesore, but they also take significantly more resources to run. Energy Star Appliances in particular use as much as 50% less energy on average, saving you money on your energy bill. 

Consider Smart Windows 

A relatively new piece of tech, smart windows are designed to change color based on the time of day, in turn regulating the amount of light that enters your room and helping to keep your home cool throughout the summer heat. 

Water-Filtration Systems 

As the amount of drinkable water continues to decrease, water filtration becomes an increasingly popular topic. Too, these systems allow you to eliminate the use of bottled water from your household, in turn decreasing your plastic consumption and your footprint. 

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Tankless Water Heaters 

While they have become fairly standard in new construction, older homes often still utilize the traditional water heater. While there’s nothing wrong with the standard version, tankless water heaters offer added benefits, including lasting longer, using less energy, and offering endless hot water for you to enjoy at the twist of a faucet. No more cold showers for you or your family — unless you choose so, of course!   


Everyone loves good curb appeal. It’s the first impression your home makes on visitors or potential buyers, after all! Lush gardens can be taxing on our water supply as you work to keep your grass green despite the heat. Instead of chemicals and extra watering, opt for organic seeds, and start a compost to create a natural fertilizer for your plants. Make the most of the Pacific Northwest rain by installing a rain barrel to provide a renewable source of water that you can use year-round to care for your plants. 

If you’re ready to begin your home journey, we’d love to help you. As industry experts, we can find you the perfect fit, especially with eco-friendly options in mind! Send us a note today, and let’s connect.